Shelley Smith

Shelley Smith is a marketing communications and strategy consultant, as well as offering research and copywriting services.

Skills: HTML, CSS, Squarespace

Project description coming soon. In the meantime, enjoy a paragraph from the Jeffsum Lorem Ipsum generator.

They're using our own satellites against us. And the clock is ticking. God help us, we're in the hands of engineers. What do they got in there? King Kong? We gotta burn the rain forest, dump toxic waste, pollute the air, and rip up the OZONE! 'Cause maybe if we screw up this planet enough, they won't want it anymore!

Emma is a fantastic web designer to work with... from the outset she understood what I wanted... and guided me through the design and development process without fuss or jargon. Her website design exceeded my expectations... With Emma's training, I'm now managing the site myself... All in all, I couldn't be more pleased.

— Shelley Smith, Freelance Copywriter